Come home to Who you were made to be

Hi, I’m Andy.  

I help women with broken relationships find their peace, joy and purpose in Christ regardless of the circumstances. God knows your heart and his will is found in your rightly-ordered desires.

Know this: Your pain does not define you.

Yet that is exactly what the enemy wants you to believe. For you to go through this life living from wounds + lies whispering you are unlovable, unworthy, and unforgivable.

When that is what is brought into relationship, the cycle continues and leads to issues with perfectionism, fear of rejection or abandonment if you fall short and unhealthy people-pleasing. When things don’t get better (or just keep getting worse) you may wonder…..If this relationship is God’s will for my life, why is it so damn hard?

The truth is what’s happening may not be your fault.
Healing + growing through it is your responsibility.

When I learned how to hear God’s voice and started to do the work only I could do, my whole life changed.

It’s been estimated at least one in four marriages in the Church are destructive. Many stay in these marriages suffering silently or ending up divorced. I propose there is a way to face this brokenness in the fullness of the faith with the warm embrace of Christ’s church.
— Andy Arbie

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